Arielle the Cosmic Channel
Where Human Meets Cosmic, and Souls Remember Their Cellular Truth
This is a 5 day online e-course for women looking to awaken their inner goddess and begin to lean in further than ever before.
You can have all of the manifestation lists written out and vision boards hung up but, if you aren't taking the time to get clear with what it is you NEED in order to feel supported and held by the Universe on a soul level, then things will continue to feel hard and at times, even forced.
Having the vision of what you want is great but, do you understand the feeling behind those things you have up on your vision board? Can you really sink into it, can you feel it as if it were already a part of your reality and above all, do you feel WORTHY of calling it into your life?
The thing that was blocking the energy of abundance and manifestation in my life was my lack of clarity surrounding my needs. I didn't feel held by the universe. I didn't believe in or feel worthy of the things I wanted. Until that shifted, I was in a constant state of doubt and frustration.
When was the last time you quieted down in life, turned inward and really checked in with yourself?
With your breath?
With your emotions?
With your thoughts?
Can you differentiate between your inner voice and the voices, beliefs and judgments of others?
You won't get the answers unless you sit down, ask the hard questions and actively listen.
How do you do that?
This is where this 5 day course comes into play!
Here is what to expect with this course:
5 daily journal prompts sent to you via email to help you turn inward and listen. These prompts will not only help you connect with how you are feeling in the moment, they are also created to help guide you to the discovery of your inner voice and awakening of your inner goddess.
Daily texts from Arielle Coree with additional encouragement, inspiration and support as you navigate this journey
One oracle card pulled for you with an affirmation to take beyond this course and use as a life mantra (option to add a full card reading for additional fee)
A special "Awaken Your Inner Goddess" playlist to use as you journal
Personalized coaching regarding recommendations for ways you can build quiet time into your day to check in with yourself!
NOW ENROLLING for April 28th, 2019 session!