Arielle the Cosmic Channel
When I am in constant and regular communication with the Cosmos, my human experience gains richness. The depth at which I feel joy, peace, clarity, and excitement expands. And yet, when I am caught up in the 3D, that communication is always the first thing crossed off my list. This lack of prioritization leads to increased anxiety, fear, shame, and doubt. With the shift in frequency and transition into our New Earth quickly approaching, now is the time to set the foundation for daily connection. It is never a matter of the messages not flowing, it is ensuring we have the energetic capacity and stillness to receive and retain them.
I invite you to join me over the next 30 days into a sacred portal of cosmic immersion.
How it works:
June 1st, 2021 I will be sitting down daily, hitting record and opening up my cosmic channel. The messages that flow through me will be from The Council of Councils, Nahla (my Syrian, shapeshifting guide), Zameer (my assigned ACHF elder from the 9D), Kai (my Arcturian guide), and The Lightkeepers from the 7D. You will have access to the messages that flow through me via a private portal available to participants of Cosmic Immersion.
All that is asked of you is to bring an openness, intention, and purity everytime you hit play. Allow whatever resonates to penetrate into your energetic field and whatever does not resonate to simply fall away.
Important things to note for the client(s):
If you join this portal after June 1st, you will still have access to all material starting June1st through June 30th
Arielle will also include one oracle card pull per week for the collective that will be posted in the portal at the start of each week
Your access to these recordings will be forever. They are stored in the portal and available for replay as often as you feel called to revisit.
Arielle takes energetic boundaries very seriously and ensures only frequencies, beings, and messages of purest energies and highest light are permitted to come through during her trance channel. This is a safe space where you are protected and held.